Understanding Idempotency: Ensuring Consistency and Reliability

MD Jamil Kashem Porosh
5 min readMar 9, 2024


In the world of computer science, there are many technical terms that can sound intimidating at first. One such term is “idempotency.” Although it may seem complex, idempotency is actually a simple and valuable concept that is widely used in various fields of technology. In this blog post, we will delve into the concept of idempotency.

What is Idempotency?

Idempotency refers to the property of an operation or function that, when applied multiple times, produces the same result as if it were applied only once. In simpler terms, it means that no matter how many times you repeat a specific action or request, the outcome will remain unchanged after the first execution.

Let’s consider an example involving a simple bank transaction, specifically a deposit operation.

Imagine you have a bank account with a balance of $100. You want to deposit $50 into your account. After the successful deposit, your account balance becomes $150.

Now, if, for any reason, the same request is created multiple times, which is common, and some potential reasons are network timeout, unreliable connections, unresponsive servers, and client retries, it can lead to errors or inconsistencies in your account balance.

However, if the deposit operation is idempotent, it means that performing the same deposit request multiple times will not cause any additional changes to your account balance beyond the initial deposit. In other words, even if the same deposit request is created multiple times, after one request is completed, any subsequent identical requests will be rejected.

Real-World Examples

Suppose you have an email application that allows users to send messages. When a user sends an email, the system should deliver it to the recipient’s inbox. Now, let’s say there is a temporary network issue, and the user tries to send the same email again. In an idempotent system, the second attempt to send the email will have no effect because the system knows that the email has already been sent. This prevents duplicate emails from being sent and ensures that the recipient doesn’t receive multiple copies of the same message.

Let’s consider an example where a user updates their profile information, such as their name or address, in an online application. If the user accidentally clicks the “Save” button twice due to a slow network connection, an idempotent system will ensure that the profile is updated only once, regardless of the number of button clicks. This prevents unintended data manipulation, which helps in application performance.

Why is Idempotency Important in Distributed Systems?

Reliability: In a distributed system, network failures, message duplications, and other issues can occur. Idempotency ensures that even if a message or request is duplicated or processed multiple times due to these issues, the end result remains the same. This helps to maintain the reliability of the system by preventing unintended side effects or inconsistencies.

Consistency: Idempotency helps to maintain consistency across distributed nodes or components. When the same operation is performed multiple times, an idempotent system ensures that the outcome remains consistent across all nodes. This is crucial in scenarios where multiple nodes may process requests independently and need to reach the same final state.

Fault tolerance: Distributed systems are designed to handle failures and recover from them. Idempotency plays a vital role in fault tolerance by allowing systems to retry failed operations without causing unintended changes or inconsistencies. If a request fails, it can be retried without worrying about the system’s state being altered.

Performance: Idempotency can improve the performance of distributed systems. By allowing repeated requests to be processed without causing additional changes or side effects, unnecessary processing and resource consumption can be avoided. This can lead to more efficient resource utilization and better overall system performance.

Examples of Idempotent Operations:

HTTP GET requests: In the context of RESTful APIs, GET requests are considered idempotent because they retrieve data without modifying the server’s state. Sending the same GET request multiple times will not result in any changes to the resource being requested.

Deleting a file: If you delete a file on a system, subsequent delete operations on the same file will have no effect as the file is already removed. Therefore, deleting a file is an idempotent operation.

Updating a resource with the same data: If you have an API endpoint that allows updating a resource, sending the same data multiple times will not cause any additional changes. The resource will remain the same after the first update, making it an idempotent operation.

Setting a flag: Suppose you have a flag in a database that indicates a certain condition. Setting the flag to true multiple times will not have any additional effect beyond the initial change. The flag will remain true regardless of how many times the operation is performed, making it an idempotent operation.

Publishing a message: In a message queue or publish-subscribe system, publishing the same message multiple times will not result in multiple instances of the message being processed. The system will ensure that only one instance of the message is processed, making it an idempotent operation.

Implementing Idempotency:

Implementing idempotency involves ensuring that operations can be safely retried or duplicated without causing unintended side effects. Here are some approaches to implementing idempotency:

Unique Request Identifiers: Assign a unique identifier to each request or operation. This identifier can be generated by the client or server and included in the request. The server can then check if an operation with the same identifier has been processed before. If it has, the server can simply return the previous response without reprocessing the operation.

Idempotent APIs: Design your APIs to be idempotent by default. Clearly define the behavior of each API endpoint and ensure that performing the same request multiple times has the same effect. For example, a PUT request to update a resource should produce the same result regardless of how many times it is sent.

Idempotent Database Operations: If you’re working with a database, design your operations to be idempotent. For example, when inserting a new record, use upsert (update or insert) operations that only insert the record if it doesn’t already exist. This way, you can safely retry the operation without duplicating the record.

Atomic Operations: Use atomic operations or transactions to ensure that complex operations are performed in a consistent and idempotent manner. Atomic operations either complete entirely or not at all, preventing partial or inconsistent updates.

Versioning: Include versioning information in your requests to handle updates or modifications. By specifying the version of the resource being modified, you can ensure that subsequent requests with the same version are ignored or rejected as they would result in the same state.

Response Codes and Idempotency Tokens: Utilize HTTP response codes and idempotency tokens to handle duplicate requests. Use appropriate response codes (such as 200 OK or 204 No Content) to indicate that the request has been successfully processed before. Additionally, idempotency tokens can be used to track and identify duplicate requests.


By implementing idempotency techniques, you can ensure that your distributed system remains robust, resilient, and capable of handling failures and retries without compromising data integrity or system performance.

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MD Jamil Kashem Porosh

Software Engineer | 📝 Tech Blogger | React.js, React Native, JavaScript, Go, Python. (✉️ jamilkashem@zoho.com)